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probegallo |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 3:01
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Over 1,500 birds found dead in Ukraine - minister
02 Dec 2005 18:44:18 GMT

Source: Reuters


KIEV, Dec 2 (Reuters) - Officials in Ukraine, so far free of bird flu, have sent experts to investigate the sudden deaths of more than 1,500 birds in the Crimea peninsula, the Agriculture Minister said on Friday.

Oleksander Baranivsky, speaking to 1+1 television, said the birds were found in a half dozen villages in the peninsula jutting into the Black Sea. He gave no details on the type of birds or other information.

"At the moment we have 1,621 dead birds. Tonight, the situation will become more clear," Baranivsky told the station by telephone.

"Measures are being taken. Experts have been sent there. If cases of any specific virus are found, further measures will be introduced."

The channel said the sale of privately raised domestic poultry had been banned in Crimea.

Romania on Friday discovered new cases of bird flu in the the Danube Delta it shares with Ukraine and samples were being sent to a British laboratory to determine whether the infected birds had the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain.

Romania became the first country in mainland Europe to detect the H5N1 virus in two villages in the delta.

Bird flu has also been found in several regions of Russia, Ukraine's northern neighbour.

Ukrainian officials have performed analyses on thousands of domestic and wild birds but detected no cases of bird flu. All hunting of birds has been halted and residents have been told to keep their stocks indoors to prevent contact with wild birds.
probegallo |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 9:59
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На крымских озерах по неустановленным причинам гибнет домашняя птица

В восьми селах на севере и северо-востоке Крыма, прилегающих к озеру Сиваш начался мор домашней птицы. Как 2 декабря рассказала начальник крымского управления ветеринарной медицины Мария Мирошниченко, в середине недели, например, за одну ночь на нескольких подворьях в трех селах погибло от 80 до 90% домашней птицы.

Причины гибели птицы пока не уточняются. Между тем с 3 декабря на всех рынках Крыма вводится запрет на продажу домашней птицы и продуктов домашнего птицеводства.

Владельцам частных хозяйств рекомендовано не выпускать птиц со двора. Данных о том, что крымские птицы страдали птичьим гриппом, пока нет. Только 1 декабря Украина сняла запрет на поставки мяса птицы и другой птицепродукции из России, введенный в августе в связи со вспышками птичьего гриппа в отдельных областях РФ, сообщает "Лента.ru".

Постоянный адрес новости: www.regnum.ru/news/554371.html

03:25 03.12.2005
FreeLSD |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 13:15
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На одной из заправок по пути на работу был свидетелем такого разговора:
К заправщику подходит женщина с собакой на поводке. Спрашивает, есть ли у них телефон. Тот спрашивает:
- А что случилось?
- Да на краю поля нашла кучу дохлых кур (показывает рукой на уровне побольше метра от земли). Кто-то выбросил. Если собаки бродячие растащат, представляете, что будет?
Заправщик направил за телефоном ее в окно к кассиру, и прокомментировал: "Этого еще не хватало!"
Недалеко расположено одно из крупных птицеводческих предприятий. Да, думаю, у частного лица вряд ли столько кур наберется. Так что грипп там или нет, а элементарные требования санитарных норм выполняются, похоже, не всегда. gai.gif
З.Ы. Кстати, я вот тут подумал: а кому звонить-то в таком случае? В санэпидстанцию? А кто помнит ее телефон? g.gif
probegallo |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 19:57
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В Крыму обнаружен "птичий грипп"

"Птичий грипп" обнаружен на территории Крыма. Как сообщили в Министерстве сельского хозяйства Украины, вирус выявлен в Советском и Нижнегорском районах. Ранее там был отмечен массовый падеж домашней птицы, в основном, кур и гусей. Всего в этих районах погибло около 1,5 тыс. птиц.

Предварительные анализы показали, что причиной их гибели стал вирус типа H5. Теперь пробы биоматериала будут направлены для исследования в лаборатории Италии и Великобритании. Дальнейшие анализы должны показать, является ли обнаруженный вирус опасным для человека штаммом H5N1.

В связи с выявлением в Крыму "птичьего гриппа", глава администрации президента Украины Олег Рыбачук созвал специальное заседание для обсуждения ситуации и выработки дальнейших мер, передает АР.

В октябре с.г. восемь украинских регионов были отнесены в зону риска в связи с регистрацией "птичьего гриппа" в соседних странах. В зоне риска, в которую вошли Крым, Винницкая, Одесская, Николаевская, Херсонская, Черновицкая, Закарпатская и Ивано-Франковская области, кроме усиленных мер безопасности на птицефермах и дезинфекции на границе, проводился мониторинг птиц. Отстрел диких птиц был запрещен.

Как отмечал более месяца назад украинский министр аграрной политики Александр Баранивский, через Украину проходят два из 14 путей миграции птиц, поэтому вероятность занесения "птичьего гриппа" в страну очень велика. В Румынии 17 октября был выявлен случай заболевания "птичьим гриппом" в местечке, расположенном в 10 км от украинской границы.

Международное эпизоотическое бюро в 2004г. обнаружило "птичий грипп" в 10 странах. В 2005г. высокопатогенный вирус был обнаружен уже в 17 странах


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Ща по КрымТВ Бурдюгов надувает щеки и порет чушь.
probegallo |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 20:23
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03/12/2005 14:20

КИЕВ, 3 дек - РИА Новости. В трех районах Крыма обнаружен высокопатогенный вирус причьего гриппа. Как сообщили РИА Новости в субботу в пресс-службе МЧС Украины, вирус обнаружен у домашней птицы в Советском, Джанкойском и Нижнегорском районах Крыма.

С целью недопущения распространения вируса запрещена торговля мясом домашней птицы и ее выгул. Постоянно проводятся проверки, инфицированная птица сжигается.
probegallo |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 20:39
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X-rays show damage done by avian flu

Reuters has a chilling story from Vietnam: avian flu victims' lungs are clogged with pus and surrounded by fluid.

Based on chest X-rays performed on 14 Vietnamese bird flu patients admitted to Ho Chi Minh City Hospital -- nine of whom died -- researchers at the University of Oxford in England found shared abnormalities that were good predictors of whether the disease would be fatal.

The infection from the H5N1 avian flu virus caused multiple lung infections, "which usually represents pus and infection in patients with fever and a cough," radiologist Dr. Nagmi Qureshi said. "We also discovered that the severity of these findings turned out to be a good predictor of patient mortality."

The story goes on to report that survivors' lungs resemble those of SARS victims, only worse: H5N1 resulted in fluid around the lungs, enlarged lymph nodes, and actual cavities in the lung tissue, as well as SARS-like scar tissue.


Добавлено в [mergetime]1133627997[/mergetime]
From the Evening Echo, an Irish news source: Nurse suspected of contracting bird flu.

Dao Trong Bich, deputy director of the medical centre in Thai Thuy District in northern Thai Binh province, said the woman had cared for a 21-year-old man who tested positive for the H5N1 bird flu virus and remains in critical condition.

The 41-year-old nurse, also from Thai Binh province, was hospitalised on Thursday in Hanoi with a high fever, coughing and a lung infection typical bird flu symptoms.

Specimens have been taken from her for testing, and results are expected this week, the doctor said. She is in stable condition.

If tests confirm it, she would be the second Vietnamese health care worker to be sickened by the bird flu virus.

probegallo |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 21:08
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В.Ющенко подписал указ о введении чрезвычайного положения в населенных пунктах Крыма.

03.12.2005, Киев 19:54:10 Президент Украины Виктор Ющенко провел оперативное совещание по вопросам принятия неотложных мер по предотвращению распространения "птичьего гриппа", случаи которого зарегистрированы в Крыму, сообщила РБК его пресс-служба. В совещании приняли участие министр по вопросам чрезвычайных ситуаций Виктор Балога, министр финансов Виктор Пинзеник, министр здравоохранения Юрий Поляченко, министр сельского хозяйства Александр Баранивский, министр внутренних дел Юрий Луценко. По результатам совещания президент подписал указ о введении чрезвычайного положения в населенных пунктах Крыма. Глава государства дал поручение создать штаб, который определит зону чрезвычайной ситуации. Возглавит штаб министр по вопросам чрезвычайных ситуаций Виктор Балога. В его состав войдут заместители министров внутренних дел, здравоохранения, сельского хозяйства, экологии, финансов и премьер-министр Крыма. Согласно поручению В.Ющенко, члены штаба сегодня вылетят в Крым, чтобы на месте изучить ситуацию и принять неотложные меры противодействия распространению заболевания. Штаб также будет координировать работы по обеспечению населения в эпизоотичной зоне необходимой медпомощью и питанием. Президент Украины поручил руководителю штаба ежедневно информировать его о выполнении указа. Президент также дал поручение министру внутренних дел установить трехкилометровую карантинную границу вокруг поселков, где выявлены случаи заболевания "птичьим гриппом". Кроме того, вокруг пораженных населенных пунктов будет установлена десятикилометровая зона наблюдения. С целью профилактики и предотвращения распространения вируса "птичьего гриппа" на определенных территориях Крыма будет уничтожена домашняя птица и запрещено употреблять мясо домашней птицы. Глава государства дал поручение в денежной форме по рыночной стоимости птицы возмещать убытки, которые будут нанесены в связи с этим населению. Во время совещания было отмечено, что очаги распространения птичьего гриппа были выявлены на границе озера Сиваш. По мнению специалистов, главной причиной распространения вируса стали контакты домашней птицы с перелетными птицами.

probegallo |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 22:17
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Кстати, не помню, упоминал ли, у h5n1 весьма сильное нефро и нейротокситческое действие (бъет и по почкам и по мозгам). Так что берегите :-)
probegallo |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 23:20
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Has feared mutation
of avian flu arrived?
Doctors in Thailand, Indonesia see
1st signs of human-to-human spread

Posted: December 2, 2005
10:10 p.m. Eastern

© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

Officials in at least two nations now suspect the avian flu bug has mutated into a virus that is being transmitted from human to human a development world health authorities have estimated could result in the deaths of tens of millions.

Thai health officials have expressed concern that the country's two latest confirmed victims may be the beginning of the much feared human-to-human transmission.

Dr. Charoen Chuchottaworn, an avian-flu expert at the Public Health Ministry, said doctors reviewing the cases were alerted by the very mild symptoms present in both patients, neither of whom had had any recent contact with birds or poultry.

The doctors are unsure as to how either of the infected contracted the disease and have raised the possibility that the virus has traded its pathogenicity for ease of transmission.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the disease is spreading so rapidly, particularly in the capital of Jakarta, some health officials strongly suspect the long-dreaded mutation has already occurred.

"There are just too many people who have it," said one doctor. "In many cases, it is difficult to establish any contact with birds."

Another official said the flu has "spread all over the city."

The latest victim confirmed officially by the Ministry of Health is a 25-year-old woman. She was treated at Tangerang Hospital before being transferred to Sulianti Saroso. The woman had difficulty breathing and a breathing tube had to be inserted.

The World Health Organization-sanctioned laboratory in Hong Kong has so far confirmed 13 bird flu cases in humans in Indonesia, with eight people dying from the virus.

Separately, Minister of Health Siti Fadila Supari said Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche had given Indonesia approval to produce its antiviral drug Tamiflu to fight bird flu in humans.

So far the government has relied on donors such as Singapore, Japan and Australia for its supply of Tamiflu.

The government also said it would launch a yearlong operation against bird flu, involving the military, house-to-house checks and mass culls of birds across the country.

"The president has said that until 2006, for one year, we will intensively eradicate bird flu virus," said Minister of Agriculture Anton Apriyantono.

He said the yearlong program would include weekly checks of backyard farms and larger farms in Greater Jakarta for infected birds.

The Jakarta Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Agency today destroyed some 500 chickens and pet birds in Utan Kayu, where a number of infected birds have been found.

From about 2,000 tests conducted by the agency in 30 of the capital's 267 subdistricts, dozens of infected birds were found in the subdistricts of Ceger, Utan Kayu, Pondok Kelapa, Duren Sawit and Cipinang Melayu, all in East Jakarta, as well as in Sunter Jaya and Cilincing in North Jakarta, Kapuk in West Jakarta, and Petojo in Central Jakarta.

With one small genetic adjustment in Influenza A, or H5N1, millions of people could die, warns World Health Organization Regional Director for the Western Pacific Shigeru Omi. Omi has called for health ministers and representatives to launch an all-out war on the deadly strain.

If the virus acquires sufficient human genes, allowing transmission from one person to another, an estimated 2 million to 7.4 million people around the world could die, the WHO estimates.

Some health officials make even more dire predictions. They point to the great flu pandemic of 1918-1919, which killed far more people worldwide than died in World War I an estimated 40 to 50 million people.

There are more signs the virus is spreading outward from Asia and through Europe. Romania appears to be the hardest hit.

Three more villages in eastern Romania have been quarantined following the discovery of an H5 strain of avian influenza in poultry in one of the villages. The Romanian Ministry of Agriculture suspects the presence of bird flu in the other villages but is awaiting confirmation of test results from the United Kingdom.

Culling has begun in the area, and authorities estimate that 9,500 birds will be killed.

Romanian Agriculture Minister Gheorghe Flutur said today that 10,000 birds have been slaughtered following the discovery this week of three cases of avian flu in the Danube Delta.

"The villages of Periprava as well as Dudescu and Bumbacari have been placed under quarantine and the soil has been disinfected," he told journalists. "We have also alerted the Ukrainian authorities, since the village of Periprava is only three kilometers (two miles) from the frontier."

Although the latest cases have been identified as the H5 variety, more tests are being carried out to find out if the virus belongs to the deadly H5NI strain that has killed more than 60 people in Asia and is feared as a possible source of a human flu pandemic.

A member of the national animal health authority, Florica Durlea, warned that the risk of avian flu remained, because new waves of migratory birds are expected as a result of mild temperatures.

The Danube Delta is a stopping off point for birds flying from central Asia and Russia.

So far, 12 outbreaks of bird flu have been detected in Romania.

In China, a team from the World Health Organization investigating the deaths from avian influenza said the extent of the problem in the country -- and elsewhere -- may be worse than initially thought.

Dick Thompson, a WHO spokesman in Geneva, told the New York Times, "In some cases the surveillance system may not be there. We're not nosing around, but we may be able to provide (China with) some technical expertise."

The H5N1 bird flu virus has killed at least 68 people in Asia since 2003.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt announced the purchase of additional vaccine that could be used in the event of a potential influenza pandemic.

The department has awarded a $62.5 million contract to Chiron Corp. to manufacture an avian influenza vaccine designed to protect against the H5N1 influenza virus strain. The number of individuals who could be protected by the newly contracted vaccine is still to be determined by ongoing clinical studies.

"An influenza vaccine effective against the H5N1 virus is our best hope of protecting the American people from a virus for which they have no immunity," said Leavitt. "This contract will increase our stockpile of the vaccine and is a continuation of our aggressive multi-pronged approach to a potentially critical public health challenge."

This purchase builds on the department's current plans to buy enough H5N1 influenza vaccine for 20 million people and enough influenza antivirals for another 20 million people. These supplies of vaccine and antiviral treatment will be placed in the nation's Strategic National Stockpile where they will be available for use should an influenza pandemic occur. Recently, HHS awarded a $100 million contract to sanofi pasteur, the vaccines business of the sanofi-aventis Group, for avian flu vaccine.
probegallo |
Дата 3 Декабря, 2005, 23:55
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Фоторепортаж о птичьем гриппе в Крыму

probegallo |
Дата 4 Декабря, 2005, 1:17
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H5N1 Wild Bird Flu Evolving?
Sudden Death in Crimea
"The virus is behaving differently than in Russia and Romania," Ukraine's neighbors where bird flu has also been detected, said Mr Verbitsky.

"The sickness passes without any symptoms," he said. "In the evening the birds are healthy and in the morning they are dead."


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H5 Wild Bird Flu in Crimea Peninsula More Lethal?

Recombinomics Commentary
December 3, 2005

"The virus is behaving differently than in Russia and Romania," Ukraine's neighbors where bird flu has also been detected, said Mr Verbitsky.

"The sickness passes without any symptoms," he said. "In the evening the birds are healthy and in the morning they are dead."

The above comments raise the possibility that the H5N1 wild bird flu detected in the Crimea has become more virulent. The H5N1 wild bird flu at Qinghai Lake was characterized as being very virulent in experimental animals, killing chickens in less than 20 hours and mice in 3-4 days. Boxun reports indicated that the Qinghai version was also killing humans, but this aspect was denied by China.

This summer there were outbreaks of H5N1 wild bird flu in Russia as well as Kazakhstan and Mongolia. The most complete sequence data made public has been on the Russian isolates, and they are closely related and have PB2 E627K. However, there are some differences, including the European swine sequences, also on PB2. Recent animal tests have indicated the Russian versions were not as lethal to polecats or ferrets as the Asian version.

One of the characteristics of H5N1 in southeast Asia is the sudden death of poultry, similar to the description above.

More information on the sequences from the isolates on the Crimea peninsula would be useful.

probegallo |
Дата 5 Декабря, 2005, 6:49
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Американцы продолжают подЩитывать:

Shock & Awe -- Osterholm Projects Death Statistis
Osterholm's latest range -- 2 million to 1.6 Billion


Woodrow Wilson Center
Posted Stats:

If the pandemic is like:
Comparison The Number
Year Who Will Be Dead
1968 -- 2 - 7.5 million
1918 -- 180 - 360 million
Today -- 1.6 billion (if same virulence as currently in S/E Asia)

Assumes 30 - 60 % of the population will become infected

GR: THIS ASSUMES ONE CYCLE. There is zero guarantee that pandemic flu would not recombine with WSN/33, or with H7N7. Senator Frist's Harvard speach recognizes this possiblity.

GR: Anyone who does not recognize and respond to this risk to me is doing a disservice to the society in which that person claims the right to participate.
Funtime and recess were "over" long ago. I yet wait and watch. AI expands and does not ameliorate. Fear in the populace rises (gold, the telltale, rises in spite of its long-ago demonitization). Denial, doubt, Stohr-like incapacity to process and respond to the risk outcomes resultant from these numbers. All these are what we now enjoy.

GR: What we witnessed previously was: Webster assertions that reassortment is the "golden way"; WHO-indecision; suppression of fact and denial to the world of viral sequences. What we witness currently is: Incapacity to process the fact of recombination, by calling it unpredictable point mutation; a MSM grossly incompetent handling of the news about and consequent response options for, AI; and a public that has itself entered into the first stage, denial. Whether there's time for the public to advance beyond denial and fear of the loss of empowerment and free will, we will "soon find out."
probegallo |
Дата 5 Декабря, 2005, 7:16
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Minister warns of more virulent strain of bird flu


HA NOI Hospitals will be required to watch patients suspected of having bird flu even more closely, after Deputy Health Minister Trinh Quan Huan voiced his concerns about a new and virulent strain of the virus.

The concerns mean that patients who have tested negative to the lethal H5N1 virus may still be at risk, and must be monitored by hospital workers.

The director of the Bach Mai Hospitals National Institute for Clinical Research in Tropical Medicine, Nguyen Duc Hien, said the institute received around five to 10 cases of pneumonia every day.

Speaking at a meeting of health officials in Ha Noi on Wednesday, Hien said some of the cases featured had their lungs seriously damaged in a short space of time. Hien said a clear reason for their condition couldnt be found.

Meanwhile tests conducted on the patients proved negative for bird flu virus, which has killed 42 people in Viet Nam since late 2003.

Deputy Health Minister Huan has asked hospitals to isolate such cases and provide them with similar treatment given to bird flu cases.

The Health Ministry has allocated Bach Mai Hospital VND4.7 billion for their bird flu prevention and treatment plan.

Huan said foreigners living in Viet Nam who suspected they had bird flu could get treatment at the National Institute for Clinical Research in Tropical Medicine in Ha Noi, the Hue Central Hospital in Thua Thien-Hue and the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in HCM City.

probegallo |
Дата 6 Декабря, 2005, 1:19
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5 декабря 2005 | 19:04
Украина оказалась не готова к «птичьему гриппу»

...(вначале пропущен бред клинического идиота)...

Секретарь Комитета по охране здоровья, материнства и детства, заслуженный врач Украины Татьяна Бахтеева придерживается противоположного мнения.

«Мы сегодня имеем данные, что больше 30 тыс. птиц умерло в Крыму. Это птицы, которые, однозначно, болею птичьим гриппом. Для людей в этих 4-х крымских селах опасность заразиться огромная. Ведь инфекция передается не только капельным путем, но и через кишечно-желудочный тракт», - отмечает она.

По словам Бахтеевой, «25 млн. грн., которые выделили как компенсацию за убитую птицу, на экономике Украины не отразятся. Но не об этом сегодня надо говорить. Надо делать все, чтобы не заразились люди, и чтобы эпидемия не перекинулась на близлежащие области. Сегодня нужно говорить не о деньгах, а о мероприятиях, которые сегодня крайне необходимы».

«Мероприятия сейчас должны быть жесткими, достаточными и однозначно ответственными. Виновных также надо найти. Но это не главное. Надо найти выход.

Я думаю, надо созвать внеочередную сессию ВРУ, не надо успокаиваться», - подчеркнула она.

Как рассказал ForUmy главный специалист Государственного Центра ветеринарной медицины в птицеводстве Станислав Дибров, в инструкции, которой руководствуются ветслужбы, «зафиксировано, что «птичий грипп» - это высокопатогенное вирусное заболевание и зараженные птицы подлежат уничтожению». «Сейчас действуют соответственно инструкции и одновременно проводят исследования», - отметил специалист.

«На частный сектор, к сожалению, ветеринарная служба не имеет большого влияния, по вине самого же населения. Как правило, частники замалчивают о симптомах и редко к нам обращаются. Что же касается предприятий, то они под контролем ветеринарной службы и им нечего бояться», - сообщил Дибров.

«Вакцины, которая бы могла предотвратить птичий грипп, в мире нет. Потому что болезнь очень переменная, поэтому вакцину изобрести непросто, к этому времени это не удалось сделать. А, следовательно, эту болезнь контролировать почти невозможно. Мы можем лишь констатировать факты, и по возможности не допускать заражения. Этого гриппа 15 генотипов. Н5N1 и Н7N5 это два вируса, которые вследствие мутации могут передаваться от птицы человеку. Конечно, существуют планы, и стратегия на случай распространения «птичьего гриппа». Каждому птичьему хозяйству дана инструкция о том, как нужно действовать в случае вероятного заражения. Мы делаем все возможное, но против этого заболевания, повторюсь, нет лекарств», - подчеркнул ветеринар.

probegallo |
Дата 6 Декабря, 2005, 2:12
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05.12.2005, 12:58
В ВМС Украины созданы оперативные группы для борьбы с "птичьим гриппом"

В отдельной бригаде береговой обороны Военно-Морских Сил Украины созданы оперативные группы для борьбы с распространением "птичьего гриппа" в Джанкойском, Нижнегорском и Советском районах Крыма. Оперативные группы будут отслеживать ситуацию и координировать свои действия с другими силовыми структурами и органами местного самоуправления.

Как сообщили ЛІГАБізнесІнформ в Управлении пресс-службы Министерства обороны Украины, в Перевальненском, Феодосийском, Керченском и Симферопольском гарнизонах созданы ликвидационные группы, в состав которых входят около ста военнослужащих и 6 единиц техники. Эти подразделения находятся в состоянии постоянной готовности для участия в ликвидации последствий чрезвычайной ситуации.

Напомним, 3 декабря в пяти населенных пунктах трех районов Автономной Республики Крым был зафиксирован высокопатогенный грипп, которым заболела домашняя птица.

украинская Сеть деловой информации
probegallo |
Дата 6 Декабря, 2005, 3:52
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Two Suspect H5N1 Patients Hospitalized in Romania

Recombinomics Commentary
December 5, 2005

Two men have been hospitalized in Tulcea in Eastern Romania over fears that they have been infected with the deadly bird flu strain H5, local Averia newspaper reports.

The two men have been isolated as a precautionary measure and their health condition is subjected to constant observation. At present the only confirmed diagnose in pneumonia

The men are from Tulcea County where the latest outbreak is in Romania. The timing coincides with Crimea Peninsula, where infections were covered up (since mid-October) until H5N1 became more virulent and killed 2000 birds in the past 3 days.

The increased virulence of H5N1 in the latest Ukraine outbreak may be related to the latest Romania outbreak, as both locations are adjacent to the Black Sea.

Last month Israel reported a victim with H5 antibody who had contact with wild birds, suggesting the H5N1 wild bird strain in the Middle East could cause human infections. These latest results from Romania suggests that the increased virulence of H5N1 in the region may be associated with human infections.


Добавлено в [mergetime]1133826816[/mergetime]
Cows in India. Super-virulent virus/poisoning kills within 4 hours of symptoms

39 cows die after eating contaminated fodder
[ Monday, December 05, 2005 09:59:17 pmTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]

BHARUCH: At least 39 cows died after they fed on fodder in an open farm near Umarwada village of Ankleshwar taluka on Sunday night and Monday morning.

Ankleshwar police have registered a case and are investigating the reason for the large number of deaths.

Animal activists said that the cattle had consumed fodder which had come in contact with industrial waste Gella Bharwad, who lost all his livestock, said that his 21 cows, along with others from the area, had gone for feeding in an open farm at Umarwada village at 10.30 am on Sunday.

The cows returned home around 4.30 pm. But no sooner had they reached their sheds, they showed signs of illness and started dying before his eyes. By 8.30 pm all his 21 cows were dead.

Gella's neighbours Viram Bharwad and Thagarbhai also lost 10 of their cows. "When we visited the farm we saw bio-medical and industrial waste dumped in the farm where the cattle fodder was stacked.

This may be the reason for the the contaminated fodder," Gella added. Representatives of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Ankleshwar, rushed to help Gella and the other affected families.

On Sunday night, they managed to tried to treat eight cows, but they died by Monday morning. Zakirbhai of SPCA, Ankleshwar, told TOI that animals in this belt have been dying after consuming industrial waste, but no action has been taken by Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB), Bharuch.

"This incident, however, is the most shocking as 39 cows have died within a few hours after consuming poisonous fodder.

We have informed chief minister Narendra Modi and the chairperson of SPCA urging them to take strict action against those responsible for poisoning the fodder," Zakir said, adding that pesticide manufacturing companies at Ankleshwar GIDC could be responsible.

Bharuch district official A Y Khadiya confirmed that all the cows died due to poisoning and not any disease. "We have done post mortem of seven cows and the report will tell us whether the deaths were due to consuming industrial or bio medical waste," he added.

Bharuch GPCB, when contacted, informed that samples of the waste has been sent to the Gandhinagar office and Surat forensic laboratory for testing.
probegallo |
Дата 7 Декабря, 2005, 9:24
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Efficient Human to Human H5N1 Transmission in Indonesia

Recombinomics Commentary
December 6, 2005

LEAVITT: Yes, millions of people. This is a very serious, world-changing event if it occurs.

Now, there's no certainty that it will occur as the H5N1 virus, but there is a high degree of probability that some pandemic will occur at some point, and we need to be better prepared than we are today.

The above comments on the effects of efficient human-to-human transmission of avian influenza with a case fatality rate of 2-3% accurately predicts some of the consequences, but fails to acknowledge the fact that H5N1 is clearly gaining in efficiency for human-to-human transmission. This increased efficiency is being seen in Vietnam, Thailand, and China, but the clearest picture is emerging in Indonesia, as the number of official WHO confirmed cases continues to rise.

WHO's list of confirmed cases in Indonesia recently rose to 12 with the confirmation of H5N1 in a 16 year old boy. However, the WHO report acknowledges that two brothers of the latest case recently died with bird flu symptoms, but samples for testing were not collected, so the two siblings were not included in the WHO totals. The exclusion due to lack of samples, or inappropriately collected samples, is similar to the first fatalities reported in Indonesia over the summer.

That cluster included 3 fatalities, but again only one of the three is in the list of WHO confirmed cases. The index case, an 8 year-old girl, was admitted, but samples were not collected. He admission was followed by her 1 year-old sister, but again samples were not collected. Samples were collected when the father of the index case was admitted. He tested positive for H5N1 and subsequently became Indonesia's first confirmed H5N1 fatality. Two serum samples were collected from the index case and both were strongly positive for H5N1 antibodies as determined by WHO reference labs in Hong Kong and Atlanta. However, since the samples were collected just 3 days apart, the increased titer in the second collection was not four fold higher than the earlier collection, so the case was excluded from the list of confirmed cases. The 1 year old was also excluded because the proper samples were not collected.

Thus, in the first and most recent cluster there were five H5N1 fatalities, but only one of the five fatalities is on the confirmed list from WHO, which today has 13 cases including 8 fatalities.

The collection procedure plays are large role in the creation of lab confirmed cases. Indonesia, like most countries in Asia collects samples for testing at an infectious diseases hospital. Cases initially go to primary care facilities were samples are not collected for H5N1 testing. By the time the patient is transferred to the infectious disease hospital, the H5N1 has been cleared from the nose and throat, so the swabs are collected too late. Similarly, antibody levels peak at around 30 days post symptoms, so serum collections at 1-3 weeks are too early for antibody collection. Instead the samples are too late for PCR but too early for antibody. The samples are however "Goldilocks" collections which are just right for false negatives.

When a patient does test positive, relatives are tested and this has led to several positives because the samples are collected when the patient first begins to develop symptoms. In many instances, these cases are mild. This was seen in the nephew of the second confirmed case in Indonesia. He had mild symptoms, but a throat swab was collected because is aunt was H5N1 positive. The nephew was tested prior to hospitalization and he subsequently had a fever for 3 days, recovered, and returned to school. This mild case was detected because his aunt was positive. If there was not familial connection, he would have just had a case of the flu that was not identified as being caused by H5N1.

The same situation developed in a 4 year old who had two older siblings hospitalized. The 4 year old was tested when he just had a sore throat and he too was H5N1 positive. The case was mild and the younger brother was discharged. One of the older siblings was positive for H5N1 while the other was negative, but again because of untimely sample collection. Both older brothers recovered.

Thus, collection samples at an nearly stage, when H5N1 is still present in the nose and throat, leads to lab confirmation of H5N1 cases. However. Most mild cases are missed because of Goldilocks testing.

The effects of these policies can be seen in the official cases. Of the 13 confirmed cases, 8 are from familial clusters. Of the five cases not linked to clusters, all five have died because the detection of H5N1 in nose or throat swabs signaled a massive infection where sufficient H5N1 remained in the nose and throat to produce a positive result. Of the 8 confirmed cases in family clusters, only 3 were fatal because many of the positive cases were mild and detected because testing was shortly after onset of symptoms.

In addition to the 8 confirmed cases, 5 other family members were excluded because of improper samples. Thus, of the 13 confirmed and 5 excluded cases, 13 or over 72% of these cases were in familial clusters.

In contrast, only about 1/3 of the cases in southeast Asia were from familial clusters through the spring of this year. This dramatic increase in cases from clusters shows that H5N1 is being more efficiently transmitted and this efficiency can also be seen in recent cases from China, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Thus, suggestions that the next pandemic may not involve H5N1 or that the pandemic is years away, fails to address the dramatic increase in efficiency of human-to-human transmission of H5n1, especially in milder cases such as those in Indonesia.

probegallo |
Дата 8 Декабря, 2005, 3:38
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Похоже, очень похоже на cover-up случаев h5n1


В Закарпатье уже 54 человека заболели брюшным тифом

Количество больных брюшным тифом в Закарпатье выросло до 54. Вчера в местные больницы госпитализированы еще 19 человек.

У шестерых, а среди них и один ребенок, диагноз подтвердили окончательно. Медики говорят, что инфекция будет распространяться и в дальнейшем, так как инкубационный период тифа длится 21 день.

Местные врачи убеждают, что штамм вируса отличается от случаев, зафиксированных в Украине ранее. Он стоек к обычным антибиотикам, а потому предполагают, что тиф имеет азиатско-африканское происхождение, и занесли его в села Перечинського района нелегальные мигранты, которых крестьяне переправляют ради денег.

Нашествием нелегалов на Закарпатье неудовлетворен министр внутренних дел Украины Юрий Луценко. Вчера в Ужгороде он заявил, что лично будет разбираться с ситуацией относительно задержания иностранцев. И добавил, что будет просить европейских коллег общими усилиями бороться с нашествием нелегалов в Украине.


08 декабря 2005. 00:40

ЗЫ - возбудитель тифа - не вирус, а микроба. А симптомы - лихорадка и нарушение сознания - сходны и с h5n1. Кстати, при h5n1 частенько у людей появляется и сыпь, как это было в Китае и Вьетнаме
probegallo |
Дата 8 Декабря, 2005, 7:22
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В Крыму возможно появление новых очагов "птичьего гриппа" (07-12 21:59)
По его словам, в настоящее время в отношении сложившейся ситуации есть два пути решения проблемы. Согласно одному из них, правительство должно немедленно начать закупать вакцину для прививки птиц, согласно второму - ввести жесткий карантин на территории всей АРК.

Балога сообщил, что, по его мнению, более эффективным будет введение карантина...

probegallo |
Дата 9 Декабря, 2005, 15:31
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Птичий грипп охватил уже 17 крымских сел

09.12.05 12:57


По состоянию на 20.00 8 декабря выявлена гибель домашней птицы на новых территориях Автономной Республики Крым: в селах Солнечное и Приморское (Феодосия), в Симферополе, в селе Кирсановка Нижнегорского района, что свидетельствует о продолжении эпизоотии птичьего гриппа среди домашней птицы.

С 20.00 8 декабря до 8.00 9 декабря официальных материалов о новых очагах инфекции среди птиц, по данным Государственного департамента ветеринарной медицины АРК, не поступало. Новых случаев заболеваний на ОРВИ и гриппом среди населения за указанный период не зарегистрировано, сообщает УНИАН.

На сегодня очаги инфекции среди домашних птиц с лабораторным подтверждением зарегистрированы в 9 населенных пунктах, всего населенных пунктов, где выявлена гибель домашних птиц, - 17.

Заболеваемость ОРВИ среди населения в данных регионах на уровне сезонной. В ячейках, где зарегистрирован падеж птиц, выявлено 27 новых случаев заболевания ОРВИ/гриппом, в том числе 11 детей.

Бригады Минздрава вакцинировали 6773 человек, в том числе 1112 детей.


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