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> Внимание. Обязательно к прочтению!, если не утка конечно
probegallo |
Дата 6 Декабря, 2005, 3:52
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Two Suspect H5N1 Patients Hospitalized in Romania

Recombinomics Commentary
December 5, 2005

Two men have been hospitalized in Tulcea in Eastern Romania over fears that they have been infected with the deadly bird flu strain H5, local Averia newspaper reports.

The two men have been isolated as a precautionary measure and their health condition is subjected to constant observation. At present the only confirmed diagnose in pneumonia

The men are from Tulcea County where the latest outbreak is in Romania. The timing coincides with Crimea Peninsula, where infections were covered up (since mid-October) until H5N1 became more virulent and killed 2000 birds in the past 3 days.

The increased virulence of H5N1 in the latest Ukraine outbreak may be related to the latest Romania outbreak, as both locations are adjacent to the Black Sea.

Last month Israel reported a victim with H5 antibody who had contact with wild birds, suggesting the H5N1 wild bird strain in the Middle East could cause human infections. These latest results from Romania suggests that the increased virulence of H5N1 in the region may be associated with human infections.


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Cows in India. Super-virulent virus/poisoning kills within 4 hours of symptoms

39 cows die after eating contaminated fodder
[ Monday, December 05, 2005 09:59:17 pmTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]

BHARUCH: At least 39 cows died after they fed on fodder in an open farm near Umarwada village of Ankleshwar taluka on Sunday night and Monday morning.

Ankleshwar police have registered a case and are investigating the reason for the large number of deaths.

Animal activists said that the cattle had consumed fodder which had come in contact with industrial waste Gella Bharwad, who lost all his livestock, said that his 21 cows, along with others from the area, had gone for feeding in an open farm at Umarwada village at 10.30 am on Sunday.

The cows returned home around 4.30 pm. But no sooner had they reached their sheds, they showed signs of illness and started dying before his eyes. By 8.30 pm all his 21 cows were dead.

Gella's neighbours Viram Bharwad and Thagarbhai also lost 10 of their cows. "When we visited the farm we saw bio-medical and industrial waste dumped in the farm where the cattle fodder was stacked.

This may be the reason for the the contaminated fodder," Gella added. Representatives of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Ankleshwar, rushed to help Gella and the other affected families.

On Sunday night, they managed to tried to treat eight cows, but they died by Monday morning. Zakirbhai of SPCA, Ankleshwar, told TOI that animals in this belt have been dying after consuming industrial waste, but no action has been taken by Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB), Bharuch.

"This incident, however, is the most shocking as 39 cows have died within a few hours after consuming poisonous fodder.

We have informed chief minister Narendra Modi and the chairperson of SPCA urging them to take strict action against those responsible for poisoning the fodder," Zakir said, adding that pesticide manufacturing companies at Ankleshwar GIDC could be responsible.

Bharuch district official A Y Khadiya confirmed that all the cows died due to poisoning and not any disease. "We have done post mortem of seven cows and the report will tell us whether the deaths were due to consuming industrial or bio medical waste," he added.

Bharuch GPCB, when contacted, informed that samples of the waste has been sent to the Gandhinagar office and Surat forensic laboratory for testing.
probegallo |
Дата 7 Декабря, 2005, 9:24
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Efficient Human to Human H5N1 Transmission in Indonesia

Recombinomics Commentary
December 6, 2005

LEAVITT: Yes, millions of people. This is a very serious, world-changing event if it occurs.

Now, there's no certainty that it will occur as the H5N1 virus, but there is a high degree of probability that some pandemic will occur at some point, and we need to be better prepared than we are today.

The above comments on the effects of efficient human-to-human transmission of avian influenza with a case fatality rate of 2-3% accurately predicts some of the consequences, but fails to acknowledge the fact that H5N1 is clearly gaining in efficiency for human-to-human transmission. This increased efficiency is being seen in Vietnam, Thailand, and China, but the clearest picture is emerging in Indonesia, as the number of official WHO confirmed cases continues to rise.

WHO's list of confirmed cases in Indonesia recently rose to 12 with the confirmation of H5N1 in a 16 year old boy. However, the WHO report acknowledges that two brothers of the latest case recently died with bird flu symptoms, but samples for testing were not collected, so the two siblings were not included in the WHO totals. The exclusion due to lack of samples, or inappropriately collected samples, is similar to the first fatalities reported in Indonesia over the summer.

That cluster included 3 fatalities, but again only one of the three is in the list of WHO confirmed cases. The index case, an 8 year-old girl, was admitted, but samples were not collected. He admission was followed by her 1 year-old sister, but again samples were not collected. Samples were collected when the father of the index case was admitted. He tested positive for H5N1 and subsequently became Indonesia's first confirmed H5N1 fatality. Two serum samples were collected from the index case and both were strongly positive for H5N1 antibodies as determined by WHO reference labs in Hong Kong and Atlanta. However, since the samples were collected just 3 days apart, the increased titer in the second collection was not four fold higher than the earlier collection, so the case was excluded from the list of confirmed cases. The 1 year old was also excluded because the proper samples were not collected.

Thus, in the first and most recent cluster there were five H5N1 fatalities, but only one of the five fatalities is on the confirmed list from WHO, which today has 13 cases including 8 fatalities.

The collection procedure plays are large role in the creation of lab confirmed cases. Indonesia, like most countries in Asia collects samples for testing at an infectious diseases hospital. Cases initially go to primary care facilities were samples are not collected for H5N1 testing. By the time the patient is transferred to the infectious disease hospital, the H5N1 has been cleared from the nose and throat, so the swabs are collected too late. Similarly, antibody levels peak at around 30 days post symptoms, so serum collections at 1-3 weeks are too early for antibody collection. Instead the samples are too late for PCR but too early for antibody. The samples are however "Goldilocks" collections which are just right for false negatives.

When a patient does test positive, relatives are tested and this has led to several positives because the samples are collected when the patient first begins to develop symptoms. In many instances, these cases are mild. This was seen in the nephew of the second confirmed case in Indonesia. He had mild symptoms, but a throat swab was collected because is aunt was H5N1 positive. The nephew was tested prior to hospitalization and he subsequently had a fever for 3 days, recovered, and returned to school. This mild case was detected because his aunt was positive. If there was not familial connection, he would have just had a case of the flu that was not identified as being caused by H5N1.

The same situation developed in a 4 year old who had two older siblings hospitalized. The 4 year old was tested when he just had a sore throat and he too was H5N1 positive. The case was mild and the younger brother was discharged. One of the older siblings was positive for H5N1 while the other was negative, but again because of untimely sample collection. Both older brothers recovered.

Thus, collection samples at an nearly stage, when H5N1 is still present in the nose and throat, leads to lab confirmation of H5N1 cases. However. Most mild cases are missed because of Goldilocks testing.

The effects of these policies can be seen in the official cases. Of the 13 confirmed cases, 8 are from familial clusters. Of the five cases not linked to clusters, all five have died because the detection of H5N1 in nose or throat swabs signaled a massive infection where sufficient H5N1 remained in the nose and throat to produce a positive result. Of the 8 confirmed cases in family clusters, only 3 were fatal because many of the positive cases were mild and detected because testing was shortly after onset of symptoms.

In addition to the 8 confirmed cases, 5 other family members were excluded because of improper samples. Thus, of the 13 confirmed and 5 excluded cases, 13 or over 72% of these cases were in familial clusters.

In contrast, only about 1/3 of the cases in southeast Asia were from familial clusters through the spring of this year. This dramatic increase in cases from clusters shows that H5N1 is being more efficiently transmitted and this efficiency can also be seen in recent cases from China, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Thus, suggestions that the next pandemic may not involve H5N1 or that the pandemic is years away, fails to address the dramatic increase in efficiency of human-to-human transmission of H5n1, especially in milder cases such as those in Indonesia.

probegallo |
Дата 8 Декабря, 2005, 3:38
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Похоже, очень похоже на cover-up случаев h5n1


В Закарпатье уже 54 человека заболели брюшным тифом

Количество больных брюшным тифом в Закарпатье выросло до 54. Вчера в местные больницы госпитализированы еще 19 человек.

У шестерых, а среди них и один ребенок, диагноз подтвердили окончательно. Медики говорят, что инфекция будет распространяться и в дальнейшем, так как инкубационный период тифа длится 21 день.

Местные врачи убеждают, что штамм вируса отличается от случаев, зафиксированных в Украине ранее. Он стоек к обычным антибиотикам, а потому предполагают, что тиф имеет азиатско-африканское происхождение, и занесли его в села Перечинського района нелегальные мигранты, которых крестьяне переправляют ради денег.

Нашествием нелегалов на Закарпатье неудовлетворен министр внутренних дел Украины Юрий Луценко. Вчера в Ужгороде он заявил, что лично будет разбираться с ситуацией относительно задержания иностранцев. И добавил, что будет просить европейских коллег общими усилиями бороться с нашествием нелегалов в Украине.


08 декабря 2005. 00:40

ЗЫ - возбудитель тифа - не вирус, а микроба. А симптомы - лихорадка и нарушение сознания - сходны и с h5n1. Кстати, при h5n1 частенько у людей появляется и сыпь, как это было в Китае и Вьетнаме
probegallo |
Дата 8 Декабря, 2005, 7:22
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В Крыму возможно появление новых очагов "птичьего гриппа" (07-12 21:59)
По его словам, в настоящее время в отношении сложившейся ситуации есть два пути решения проблемы. Согласно одному из них, правительство должно немедленно начать закупать вакцину для прививки птиц, согласно второму - ввести жесткий карантин на территории всей АРК.

Балога сообщил, что, по его мнению, более эффективным будет введение карантина...

probegallo |
Дата 9 Декабря, 2005, 15:31
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Птичий грипп охватил уже 17 крымских сел

09.12.05 12:57


По состоянию на 20.00 8 декабря выявлена гибель домашней птицы на новых территориях Автономной Республики Крым: в селах Солнечное и Приморское (Феодосия), в Симферополе, в селе Кирсановка Нижнегорского района, что свидетельствует о продолжении эпизоотии птичьего гриппа среди домашней птицы.

С 20.00 8 декабря до 8.00 9 декабря официальных материалов о новых очагах инфекции среди птиц, по данным Государственного департамента ветеринарной медицины АРК, не поступало. Новых случаев заболеваний на ОРВИ и гриппом среди населения за указанный период не зарегистрировано, сообщает УНИАН.

На сегодня очаги инфекции среди домашних птиц с лабораторным подтверждением зарегистрированы в 9 населенных пунктах, всего населенных пунктов, где выявлена гибель домашних птиц, - 17.

Заболеваемость ОРВИ среди населения в данных регионах на уровне сезонной. В ячейках, где зарегистрирован падеж птиц, выявлено 27 новых случаев заболевания ОРВИ/гриппом, в том числе 11 детей.

Бригады Минздрава вакцинировали 6773 человек, в том числе 1112 детей.

probegallo |
Дата 9 Декабря, 2005, 15:51
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Украинская мутация птичьего гриппа является уникальной
14:18 | 09/ 12/ 2005

КИЕВ, 9 дек - РИА Новости. Украинская мутация птичьего гриппа является уникальной и нигде в мире не встречается.

Вирус, обнаруженный в восьми селах Автономной республики Крым, является крайне опасным для жизни людей. Об этом в пятницу сообщил всеукраинский телеканал ICTV (Ай-Си-Ти-Ви) со ссылкой на предварительную информацию российской лаборатории.

Как сообщает телеканал, за последние сутки в Крыму было уничтожено семь тысяч голов птицы с подозрением на заражение вирусом птичьего гриппа.

Окончательные результаты по определению штамма вируса гриппа будут обнародованы несколько позднее, после получения результатов из лабораторий из Западной Европы, отмечает ICTV.
probegallo |
Дата 10 Декабря, 2005, 2:30
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Dangerous Unique H5N1 Mutation In Ukraine?

Recombinomics Commentary
December 9, 2005

The mutation of the bird flu virus discovered in the Crimea, an autonomy on the Black Sea, is unlike any other that has been found in the world and is extremely dangerous for humans, Ukraine's ICTV channel reported Friday.

The above comment is cause for concern. More details would be useful. Breaking news via media reports is notoriously unreliable, but the above comments appear to be quite specific. Other reports have indicated the sero-type is H5N1, so it is unlikely that the change is reassortment with an H or N human gene, which has not been described previously for H5N1. The virulence of the H5N1 in the birds also suggests that the H has retained the polybasic cleavage site characteristic of Asian versions of HPAI H5N1.

The change sounds more like a unique polymorphism and is most likely to be on the H or N, which are the two genes most likely to have been sequenced first.

The potential acquisition of S227N on HA exists because H9N2 contains the appropriate donor sequence and H9N2 is endemic in the Middle East. However, that polymorphisms has been detected previously in H5N1 from Hong Kong residents who visited Fujian Province in 2003.

Of greater concern would be acquisition of some or most of the mammalian receptor binding domain. H5N1 wild bird flu sequences have acquired mammalian polymorphism found predominantly in Europe in the past. Since HPAI H5N1 has not been previously reported to have been in Europe before the latest serious of infections beginning in August, the potential for acquiring novel sequences is high.

In the past Russia has been very forthcoming with sequence data, which has been included in the OIE reports. Moreover, the have been prompt in depositing sequences at GenBank, including partial sequences from Novosibirsk as well as more complete sequences from Tula.

More deteail on the unique mutation would be useful.
Пэтро |
Дата 10 Декабря, 2005, 3:37
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А как вы относитесь к слухам, что "птичий грипп" в Крыму это удачно проделланная провокация?
probegallo |
Дата 10 Декабря, 2005, 3:43
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А как вы относитесь к слухам, что "птичий грипп" в Крыму это удачно проделланная провокация?

курки мруть? мруть, мруть и другие птички
Какая уж тут провокация
Пэтро |
Дата 10 Декабря, 2005, 4:03
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Ну эта мысль у многих в Крыму. Что "Куриный Грипп" придумали чиновники, что-бы уничтожить куриную отрасль в Крыму.
probegallo |
Дата 10 Декабря, 2005, 4:16
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Ну эта мысль у многих в Крыму. Что "Куриный Грипп" придумали чиновники, что-бы уничтожить куриную отрасль в Крыму.

Но уничтожать начали почему то с Китая, Вьетнама и Индонезии :-)
Seniorita |
Дата 10 Декабря, 2005, 4:47
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Что "Куриный Грипп" придумали чиновники

придумали может и чиновники wink.gif , но обнаружили специалисты. Общалась на той неделе с семьей ветеринаров, что по первым сигналам выехали в составе бригады на наши "горячие куриные точки". Подтверждали самый что ни на есть птичий грипп во всей красе... , лично лицезрели больных кур и захоронения... совет дали: смотреть новости по ОРТ, а не местным и госканалу. Чем чиновники может и занимаются - так это фильтрацией и сокрытием фактов, чтоб не вылезти виноватыми.. Второй чернобыль
probegallo |
Дата 10 Декабря, 2005, 6:31
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09.12.2005, 18:28
Птичий грипп подобрался к столице Крыма


Министерство здравоохранения Крыма обнародовало новые данные о распространении птичьего гриппа в автономной республике.

Сообщается, что падеж птицы, пораженной опасным вирусом, был выявлен сегодня еще в девяти населенных пунктах Крыма, в том числе пригородах Симферополя и Феодосии.

Таким образом, на сегодняшний день наличие вируса подтверждено в 17 населенных пунктах, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС. Среди людей заболевание пока не зарегистрировано.

Как сегодня сообщили на совещании по проблемам птицеводства, за последнее время уничтожено более 30 тысяч домашних птиц. При том, что всего в Крыму насчитывается 11,5 миллиона голов домашней птицы.

user posted image

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17 детей в Донецкой области заразились неизвестной инфекцией

09.12.2005 10:40 | RUpor
Прочитано: 68 раз

В инфекционное отделение городской больницы города Часов Яр Артемовского района обратились 17 человек, из них 14 детей. Все они жаловались на понос, тошноту, повышенную температуру и были госпитализированы Об этом сообщает пресс-служба Министерства по чрезвычайным ситуациям Украины.

На сегодняшний день болезнь у госпитализированных протекает в легкой форме. Специалисты районной санэпидстанции взяли образцы пищевых продуктов, воды, смывов. Биологический материал больных исследуется. Результаты будут известны сегодня.

Принимаются противоэпидемиологические меры. Для выяснения причин и оказания помощи в Часов Яр направлена бригада специалистов областной СЭС.

Добавлено в [mergetime]1134181954[/mergetime]
В Закарпатье массово госпитализируют людей
По состоянию на 6 часов утра 9 декабря с подозрением на заболевания брюшным тифом в Перечинском районе Закарпатской области в инфекционное отделение областной (Ужгород) и районной (Перечин) больниц были госпитализированы 49 человек.

Как сообщает Министерство по чрезвычайным ситуациям, по результатам анализов подтверждено заболевания брюшным тифом у 6 жителей, передает «Подробности».

Протекание болезни средней и легкой степеней тяжести.

Предварительная причина заболевания употребление загрязненной колодезной питьевой воды с поверхностного водоносного горизонта.

В очаге заболевания специалистами областной и районной СЭС проводится комплекс санитарно-гигиенических, дезинфекционных и противоэпидемических мероприятий.

Ситуация находится на контроле Главного управления МинЧС Украины в Закарпатской области.
probegallo |
Дата 12 Декабря, 2005, 13:21
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// 12.12.2005 // 11:10 //
Массовая гибель птицы вызвала панику на Херсонщине

Массовый падеж домашней птицы зафиксирован в южных селах Херсонской области. Симптомы болезни, от которой гибнет птица, указывают на вирус птичьего гриппа, однако местная власть официально этого не признает.

Как информирует "Главред", в селе Красный Чабан уже в ноябре падеж домашней птицы достиг уровня эпидемии. Селяне неоднократно обращались к ветеринарной службе, но врачи уверяют, что птица гибнет от аскарид и ньюкасловской болезни, которая часто поражает домашних кур и гусей.

Руководитель Каланчакской санэпидемстанции Любовь Санжеровская считает, что население спекулирует на теме птичьего гриппа ради материальной выгоды. По ее словам, "каждый заинтересован, чтобы государство выделило ему деньги, поэтому теперь люди будут говорить что угодно".

Жители Красного Чабана уверяют, что о возмещении убытков нет даже речи. Они просто хотят знать, насколько болезнь, которая поражает домашнюю птицу, является опасной для них. Сами же крестьяне вывозят погибших птиц за село на мусорник. Именно возле него расположен водонакопитель, который соединен с Северо-Крымским каналом.

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"Total chaos and panic": H5N1 in Libya?

Thanks to the reader who sent me the link to a story in Khaleej Times Online. The headline is "Official documents show bird flu in Libyan farms." Here is the complete story:

BENGHAZI Although Libyan authorities repeatedly denied the presence of the bird flu virus on Libyan soil, Libyan media sources on Friday disclosed that it has a copy of documents, which prove that the Libyan security ministry and senior officials of the Inspection and Control Department were aware and admitted to the Libyan Prime Minister, Dr Shukri Ghanim, that the bird flu virus is widespread in a number of Libyan poultry farms in the Benghazi region (North-East Libya).

"Information reaching us has shown that the Benghazi division of the anti-poultry diseases committee has conducted routine checks on the poultry farms in the area, took and thoroughly scrutinised blood samples taken from those farms. They later sent them on October 9 to a special laboratory in the United Kingdom for another lab test.

"The result, which came by fax, confirmed that all the samples are positive. This shows the prevalence of the bird flu virus in the eastern part of the country," the Libyan Security Minister, Nasr Al Mabrouk, said in a letter to the prime minister.

A copy of the result was attached to the letter. Al Mabrouk complained bitterly against the agriculture ministry, which he accused of doing nothing to stave off the disease from entering into the country, while chicken and live birds continue to be sold on the market with no concern.

According to Libya Today electronic newspaper, which got the document without disclosing the source, there is total chaos and panic on the way the Libyan authorities handle this dangerous dossier.

Among other unpleasant implications, this story, if true, suggests that authorities in the United Kingdom knew by mid-October that H5N1 was loose in North Africa. Neither Libya nor the UK has informed WHO or OIEor else those organizations, once informed, kept silent.

About the best we can hope for is that it's H5N2 or some other avian flu that poses no hazard to humanslike the outbreak we had here in British Columbia a couple of weeks ago. But if it's real live Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, it's going to be a very bad winter around the Mediterranean.

December 11, 2005 at 09:51 PM

probegallo |
Дата 14 Декабря, 2005, 5:44
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Sent to me from Homeland Security

Posted: December 13 2005 at 3:10am | IP Logged

Check out what I highlighted, it seems to be getting stronger and more deadly:

(Disease never reported before in Ukraine)

Information received on (and dated) 5 Dec 2005 from Dr Petr I Verbytskiy, head, State Department for Veterinary Medicine, Ministry of Agricultural Policy, Kiev:

Reason for immediate notification: 1st occurrence of a listed disease or infection in a country.

Identification of agent: influenza virus subtype H5.

Date of 1st confirmation of the event: 2 Dec 2005.

Date of start of the event: 25 Nov 2005.

Nature of diagnosis: clinical, postmortem, and laboratory. Details of outbreaks: click here: http://www.oie.int/cartes/TABA18_49UKR.pdf

Description of affected population: chickens and geese.


The following clinical signs were detected: in chickens, depression, disheveled feathers, edema and cyanosis of head; in geese, the disease progresses with nervous signs (tremor, disorientation, disorder of movement); cases of blindness have been registered.

The period from clinical onset to death lasts from 2 to 8 hours. The application of antibiotics and sulphonamides has had no therapeutic effect.

The following postmortem signs were detected: enlarged liver, gallbladder and kidneys, catarrhal inflammation of the duodenum, petechiae in the submucous membrane of the glandular stomach.

Central State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, Kiev confirmed the presence of avian influenza virus subtype H5 in samples from chickens and geese using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) on 2 Dec 2005. On the same date

hemagglutination inhibition tests on 21 serum samples from chickens and geese detected influenza antibodies at titres 1:20 in 4 samples of goose serum. Samples will be sent to an OIE Reference Laboratory for highly pathogenic avian influenza to confirm the diagnosis.

Source of outbreaks or origin of infection: contact with wild birds.

Control measures undertaken:

- control of wildlife reservoirs;

- stamping out in progress;

- quarantine;

- movement control inside the country;

- screening.

- zoning;

- disinfection of infected premises/establishments.

Vaccination prohibited: yes.

Other details/comments:

The total number of poultry in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as of 1 Nov 2005 was 10.4 million, comprising 6.3 million in the public sector and 4.1 million in the private sector.

Final report: no.

April Kelley
probegallo |
Дата 14 Декабря, 2005, 17:44
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Six-month bird flu lockdown possible

14 December 2005

Emergency managers are warning that a bird flu pandemic could last up to six months and people should be prepared to stay indoors that long.

Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management readiness manager Mike O'Leary said a bird flu pandemic could strike in multiple waves, lasting up to six months.

"Three waves of approximately eight weeks each is what we are planning for," Mr O'Leary told Human Resources magazine.

Local Government Online chief executive Jim Higgins said it is rubbish to think a pandemic would last a few days.

". . .I've heard people on television speaking of a pandemic lasting a week or two, and I think, 'That's complete rubbish.' More likely a pandemic is going to last for three to six months, with two or three waves of infection."

Local Government Online would be key to providing information during an pandemic.

New Zealand's existing emergency response planning is for short, sharp disasters, such as earthquakes or floods, with mop-up afterward.

"When you think about all the (emergency response) planning that's been done to date, none of it includes anything about not being able to go outside for an extended period of perhaps three to six months. This threat is unique," Mr Higgins said.

Mr O'Leary also warned New Zealand would large
ly have to manage alone: "Public expectations will be high that relief will come to them, but there will be no cavalry coming over the horizon."

Bird flu is now only a threat, but health experts are worried that a small mutation of the H5N1 virus could let it transmit between humans, and humans have no natural immunity to it.

Health Ministry senior clinical adviser Andrea Forde said the key to surviving any pandemic will be in how well prepared people are, how quickly people can respond and how soon recovery happens.

A pandemic outbreak would see quarantine measures imposed, closing schools and workplaces to prevent infection from spreading. International borders would also be closed, affecting exports and imports. The experts say it could take months to get business functioning again. Getting back to normal would take longer.

Mr Higgins said businesses had to accept the pandemic is going to happen and to start planning.

"It's not a Y2K scenario. If businesses fail to heed this and do not have contingency plans in place, they will most likely grind to a halt."

Ministry of Economic Development resources and networks director Tony Fenwick said a pandemic would see businesses close either because they had to or through reduced demand.

Key industries must plan now for a pandemic, Mr Fenwick said.

"Undisrupted provision of key infrastructure services, the food-supply chain, the capacity of the health sector, the continued operation of banking-payments systems and the legal system are areas we must focus on," he said.

Mr Higgins said the chance of containing bird flu, as Sars was contained, may be remote because of the more infectious nature of influenza.

". . .so we have to look at ways to ride a pandemic out. One of the best ways to do that will be to limit personal contact," he said.

That means businesses have to immediately start looking at ways staff can work from home. Email and telecommunications will be the top tools to keep functioning.

"This really is the sort of line we have to follow to avoid unnecessary infection."


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12 December 2005
anonymous at 19:30

Wild Bird Flu is rapidly spreading over the Crimea peninsula threatening neighboring countries. We saw how it started in the northern regions of the Crimea and we want international community bring Yuschenko to account for his criminal inaction.

We are addressing international community international health organizations international ecology organizations everybody!!!

Actually Bird Flu was detected in the northern parts of Crimea about 3 months ago. First dozens, then thousands chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks died. Still there were no relevant measures taken, no quarantine, no state of emergency, no vaccination and no official information. There were only scary rumors circulating. Authorities were reluctant to explain anything. At last laboratory tests were conducted to determine if it was the deadly H5N1 strain of the virus. We were not informed of the results and we dont know them now. But more and more people were taken to local hospitals with unidentified type of pneumonia. Patients began to die and doctors were helpless. Those deaths. they caused real panic and spontaneous meetings in the streets. Authorities used force and threats to stop it. Some people were even taken to the police stations. Now its going on in the southern parts of the Crimea. Hospitals there are overcrowded. Virus stricken poultry is slaughtered . to be thrown on just into the sea! This threatens ecology of the Black sea, this threatens health of all peoples living on its shores in Turkey, Georgia, Rumania They say authorities kept us ignorant to go this summit Ukraine-EU smoothly. We want be part of Europe but lie is not the right way to enter European community. Our authorities dont tell us the truth. They assert the Bird Flu cant do harm to people. But people keep dying. We are scary for our children! Maybe president Yuschenko is not interested in real situation here widely known. He is playing his political games. Summits and elections are of more importance to him than lives of ordinary people in his country!

We dont trust Yuschenko and his people in power in the Crimea!

Save Crimea!!! Save the Black sea!!! Save yourselves!!!

Vladislav Skruba, chairman of the historical-patriotic movement Kazachina; Sergey Tolokonnikov, deputy director of the Region Museum in the city of Feodosia, candidate of historical sciences, member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences; Rashid Immametdinov, head of the Ecology Committee of the Crimean Tatars Society.

WereWolf | Профиль
Дата 15 Декабря, 2005, 14:07
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probegallo |
Дата 15 Декабря, 2005, 14:37
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Уважаемый, опять Вы начали без перевода большие статьи выкладывать... Английский знают многие, но не столь в совершенстве, чтобы прочитать БОЛЬШУЮ статейку...

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С уважением
probegallo |
Дата 17 Декабря, 2005, 17:30
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17.12.2005 | 14:24
Баранивский хочет ввести ЧП во всем Крыму

Министр аграной политики Украины Александр БАРАНИВСКИЙ выступает за введение чрезвычайного положения на всей территории Крыма, из-за птичьего гриппа. Об этом А.БАРАНИВСКИЙ сказал сегодня во время заседания оперативного штаба, сообщил УНИАН начальник пресс-службы Министерства аграрной политики Украины Александр ГОРОБЕЦ.

По словам А.ГОРОБЦА, во время заседания оперативного штаба было отмечено, что действия по локализации птичьего гриппа в Крыму ведутся на недостаточном уровне.

По его словам, А.БАРАНИВСКИЙ также сказал, что необходимо запретить ввоз мяса кур из Крыма на материк, и наоборот из материка в Крым. Свою позицию А.БАРАНИВСКИЙ аргументировал тем, что в Крыму производится около 20% (192 млн. тонн) от всего производства мяса птиц в Украине.

Кроме того, А.ГОРОБЕЦ сказал, что накануне, в Красногвардейском районе Крыма в 7-ми км от бройлерной фабрики был обнаружен погибший голубь и по предварительным результатам у него обнаружен птичий грипп.

Также А.ГОРОБЕЦ сказал, что сегодня, 17 декабря, в 16.00 в здании Верховной Рады состоится заседание всех руководителей заинтересованых министерств и ведомств, а также руководства АР Крым по проблеме птичьего гриппа.

Как сообщал УНИАН, британская и российская референц-лаборатории подтвердили наличие птичьего гриппа типа Н5N1 в Крыму.

По последним данным 62,623 тыс. голов домашней птицы изъято у населения и уничтожено из-за птичьего гриппа в Крыму, инфицированных среди населения не обнаружено.

6 декабря Верховная Рада утвердила указ Президента Виктора ЮЩЕНКО о введении чрезвычайного положения в населенных пунктах Крыма, где обнаружено заболевание птичьим гриппом.
probegallo |
Дата 18 Декабря, 2005, 11:52
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Чуть ли не каждый день в Крыму фиксируются новые очаги гибели птиц. Сегодня они находятся в 25 населенных пунктах, в 11 из которых лабораторно подтверждено, что причиной гибели стал опасный штамм H5N1. Тем не менее, власти, похоже успокаиваются: в среду премьер-министр Юрий Ехануров заявил о намерении Кабмина предложить президенту отменить чрезвычайное положение в Крыму чтобы встретить Новый год без всяких ЧП. Не исключено, что с понедельника, 19 декабря, его действительно отменят, так сказать, к первому новогоднему празднику Дню святого Николая.

Возможно, на это решение повлиял однодневный визит в Украину представителя ВОЗ Стивена Мартина, который поставил нам «пятерку». По его словам, в стране были приняты своевременные и адекватные меры. Причем, в первую очередь, это касается столь дискуссионного у нас вопроса о введении чрезвычайного положения в пострадавших населенных пунктах Крыма (некоторые отечественные санврачи считали это лишним), а также создания оперативного штаба для координации всех проводимых мероприятий.

Главной целью визита г-на Мартина было посмотреть, как защищены люди и как проводится профилактика, поясняет заместитель главного санитарного врача Украины Людмила Мухарская. Во время поездки он посетил все объекты, на которых хотел побывать, и пообщался со специалистами МЗ АРК, Республиканской санитарно-эпидемиологической станции Крыма и МЧС. Работой украинских медицинских служб он остался доволен.

Стивен Мартин увидел, что медицинские осмотры проводятся во всех населенных пунктах, где зарегистрирован падеж птиц и подтвержден вирус, что в тех селах, где произошла ликвидация птицы, продолжается медицинское наблюдение за людьми. Проверил документацию: все записи медицинских обходов фиксируются в специальных журналах, так как это и рекомендуется. Убедился, что людям, проживающим в тех дворах, где погибла птица, как и положено, ежедневно измеряется температура. Люди вакцинируются, а тем, кому вакцинация по каким-либо причинам не показана, в целях профилактики получают антивирусные препараты.

Представитель ВОЗ только изучал ситуацию или дал какие-то рекомендации?

Пока никаких рекомендаций он не оставлял, и какими они будут, я сказать пока затрудняюсь. Но по всей вероятности, в Украину прибудет комиссия ВОЗ посмотреть, как развивается ситуация, и входить в нее уже будут специалисты из разных областей, включая представителей Международного эпизоотического бюро и Центра по контролю за инфекционными заболеваниями (такие есть в Атланте (США) и Европе).

Каковы прогнозы насчет мутации вируса?

Стивен Мартин никаких прогнозов относительно последующих изменений вируса не давал это не входило в его полномочия. По официальной информации ВОЗ, вирус пока вызывает эпизоотию только среди птиц. По отношению к людям он ведет себя так же, как и вел, то есть от человека к человеку не передается. Хотя есть данные о том, что он постепенно мутирует.

В опасную сторону или нет?

В опасную, но очень медленно.

Вы так спокойно говорите, наверное, есть уверенность, что до той стадии, когда начинается передача вируса от человека к человеку, он не изменится?

Да, я думаю, что мутация может приостановиться (или удастся вовремя уничтожить всех больных птиц? Т.Г.). Развитие пандемии никто предугадать не может. Мы говорим лишь о том, что она не исключается, но когда?..

А на течение простудных заболеваний людей, контактировавших с погибшими птицами, измененный вирус влияет?

Сейчас идет сезонный рост заболеваемости ОРВИ и гриппа, и этот вирус на течение заболеваний у людей не влияет.

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The Kiev authority are hiding the truth on the epidemic
18:20 16.12.2005

According to unverified data, the patients with measles are already refused hospitalization since the hospitals are full. Also the rumors are circulating that the city authority is interested in hiding the truth on the scale of the epidemic.

This happens because the city authority has to allocate funds for struggling with an epidemic. Naturally, they are not willing to do that, explained the URA-Informs confidential source.

According to him, the infectiologists in Kiev are prohibited to give interviews to the press regarding the measles epidemic or to spread information on the situation in any other form.

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The authority has recognized the measles epidemic
19:38 16.12.2005

Due to the URA-Inform journalists efforts the city authority recognized more frequent cases of measles in Kiev. An hour after we have published the information on prohibition to the city doctors on relieving information on the disease to the media and on infection departments of hospitals are overfilled with the diseased people UNIAN information agency published explanations from the Main Sanitary-Epidemiologic Board of the City of Kiev. The fact that the hospitals lack beds for the patients with the cases of measles the doctors called the cyclic rise.

According to the Ministry of Public Health press service, in November-December of this year 108 cases of measles are confirmed by laboratories that is nearly two times higher than during 11 months (January-November) of 2004. As of December 16th, 67 more people have been hospitalized with suspicion of this disease.



Am epidemic starts in Kiev
15:56 15.12.2005

From the confidential source URA-Inform learned that currently the epidemic of measles starts in Kiev. Thus, as of 9 a.m. on December 15th in infection department of one of the city hospitals there are 54 people with this infection under treatment. Due to this, the doctors of this hospital stopped to accept patients with the other infections.

All patients appeared here in the course of the recent 3-4 days! Furthermore, Im sure that today the number of patients will rise. The doctors are puzzled since measles is the controlled infection with vaccines widely available. In principle, vaccination is mandatory, therefore the question arises: why so many infected people and of absolutely different ages, from teenagers to the elderly people? These people either were not vaccinated, or on some reasons they have not developed immunity, or the new mutated virus appeared against which the developed immunity is not valid, the source said to the URA-Inform correspondent.

According to him, this hospital is not the only one in Kiev with so many people suffering from measles.

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The epidemic is sweepingly spreading throughout Kiev
14:44 16.12.2005

The measles epidemic of which the URA-Inform correspondent learned yesterday from the confidential source continues to spread sweepingly throughout the Ukraines capital city. Only during yesterday the infection department of one of the Kievs hospitals accepted 10 new patients with this infection.

They are predominantly of young age; most are students living in hostels. Naturally, we have to hospitalize them on epidemiologic reasons. That means that even if the disease is in its light form we have to hospitalize him anyway to prevent spreading of infection, told the source to the URA-Inform correspondent.


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